You’re in a meeting. But why? For what purpose are you spending precious time and energy? Do you have a skill or knowledge that benefit others? Are you the subject of a discussion or action? Are you critical to the group’s objective? Will you be helping someone achieve their goal? Aim to understand why you…
Here is Gone
Never has there been a moment in your life in which you have known more or been more prepared. Everything has led up to this—the height of your existence.Except for now. NOW is your peak. The past is in the rearview.Also, right now, more so than ten seconds ago, is your apex. Drink it in……
Beyond Debate
Disagreements have become debates. Focus on living in the space between conflict and resolution. There is peace and constructive energy in that space, where nobody strives to flex their debate skills. Once we accept that our conversation partner will not change, we begin on the path to fruitful discourse and, perhaps, even resolution.
Break Me Down Then Build Me Back Again
I love LEGO. I have built a back catalog of LEGO sets to assemble, but I am always excited to start another build. I find calm in following the completely visual, minimal instructions step by step. Something seems off? Go back a page and see if you missed a step. Feeling creative? Complete the set,…
How optimistic is my coffee?
Mindful eating. I had a plate of eggs, toast, avocado, and a banana this morning. I tried to slowly eat each bite, considering the flavors and textures as well as I was able. Then something hit me, just at the very end:“This banana… is it spicy?” I thought. “I think it’s a bit spicy? Or…
In chemistry and biology, a catalyst lowers the amount of energy required for a reaction to occur—the result: an exponential increase in the number of reactions and products. Do not seek to force results. Seek to be the catalyst and allow a 1000-fold increase in your efficiency by lowering the necessary energy level. Remove…
Growth of an Idea
More often than not, my ideas are useless and profoundly inadequate. A fleeting thought has little utility. Having a fully formed solution should not be the goal. The goal is to grow a fully formed, actionable concept from a modest seed of an idea.
Costly Individuality
With access to more free digital media than can be consumed within a thousand lifetimes, it is effortless to entertain yourself around the clock. However, what is actually “free”? The cost of constant entertainment is the loss of one’s ability to produce their own thoughts and live their unique experience. It is at the cost…
Evaluation: Averages vs Individual Experiences
On the whole, we discuss subjects on a large scale (averages) and on a small scale (individual experiences). We mix and weave these together to create narratives and convey our nuanced positions. Before applying a critical lens, consider whether a point is an average OR an individual experience. Then decide on your approach to evaluating…
I don’t want to say “no”… but “no”
To be human is to constantly wonder ”Who am I?” and “What should I be doing?” We begin with the potential to do nearly anything within our biological limits. But to grow as a person is to determine what we cannot or should not pursue. There are an infinite amount of amazing ideas and paths…